Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friends don't let friends fat talk.

Food for thought.

In my undergrad at the University of Cincinnati I was in the sorority Delta Delta Delta. Tridelta nationally started a program called Reflections. This program promoted Fat Talk Free Week. (Which actually is October 21-25!!) They wanted to draw awareness to the unhealthy body image women have of themselves and others. The 'thin ideal' that we live with. 'Fat talking' can be dangerous to ourselves and to others around us that hear us talk about it...
Some common examples...
"Does this make me look fat?" "Does this make my butt look big?"
"I just ate so much, I need to work out."
"She's too fat to be wearing that swimsuit."
Even things that you make think are positive may come off as hurtful and destructive like:
"You look great, have you lost weight?"
(May reinforce the idea that maybe she didn't look great before and only does now that she lost weight.)

I was elected Vice President of Public Relations of my chapter. That year our chapter got the chance to send the President and my position to Tridelta's headquarters, in Arlington, Texas, to be trained peer leaders. That way we could bring it back to our chapter and educate all the members through small groups.
It is the most amazing program and was a great experience for me and my chapter.

What brought this on... One of the small group activities is sharing a physical or mental characteristic that you love about yourself. At the time the President of our chapter was training for a half marathon or a marathon.. I can't remember BUT she said that she "loved her legs because they are strong and let her run". As I am training for my half marathon I can't help but think about that. I am so thankful for my legs and how they can carry me on my runs.

Alexis and I representing The University of Cincinnati at Tridelta headquarters. 

Maybe we can all remember say more nice things about ourselves and be conscious of what we are saying about and around others :)

Cheers, Whitney

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